
Showing posts from April, 2022 | Two thirds of workers might seek new jobs if forced back to office – global survey

The findings track US data showing high levels of job turnover, as well as near-record vacancies. T from News24 Top Stories via sinceretalk | SA Hockey CEO Marissa Langeni steps down after over a decade as association boss

SA Hockey CEO Marissa Langeni will step down from her role, the organisation announced on Saturday. She served in the role for over 12 years. from News24 Top Stories via sinceretalk | Pensioner found guilty for a second time of raping girl at crèche he and his wife owned

Former Mpumalanga crèche owner Hermanus "Manie" Senekal, 81, who is already serving a 15-year sentence for raping a child, has been handed an effective 20-year jail sentence this week after admitting that he raped at least one other girl. from News24 Top Stories via sinceretalk | Datsun is dead, again, 50 years after it captured South African hearts, then disappeared

The Datsun name disappeared in the 1980s, was revived at great cost, and has now been discontinued again. from News24 Top Stories via sinceretalk | PICS | North West holidaygoer left with broken pelvis after hit-and-run accident in Western Cape

What was supposed to be a fun break in the Western Cape turned into a nightmare for a North West woman after her pelvis was broken during a hit-and-run accident. from News24 Top Stories via sinceretalk | Jake not taking foot off pedal despite long break until Bulls' final URC round

Bulls players hoping to get a holiday and put their feet up could be in for a surprise after Jake White hinted he'd use his URC stars in the Currie Cup to keep them sharp. from News24 Top Stories via sinceretalk

People must use common sense says health department as mask mandate deadline approaches April 30, 2022 at 09:00AM

Our focus should shift to preventing deaths and being ready for future health crises, say experts The post People must use common sense says health department as mask mandate deadline approaches appeared first on The Mail & Guardian . | PODCAST | The Story: One step closer to the truth as the Senzo Meyiwa trial gets under way

The trial of five men accused of the murder of Bafana Bafana goalkeeper Senzo Meyiwa in 2014 finally got under way in the Gauteng High Court in Pretoria last week. It's been nearly eight years since the football star was shot and killed in Vosloorus. from News24 Top Stories via sinceretalk | Cape Town metro to abandon baboon management programme: 'Animal rights activists have won'

The unpopular and divisive programme provoked numerous protests and severe criticism from animal activists. from News24 Top Stories via sinceretalk

Kremlin propagandists squabble over whether global nuclear annihilation is a good idea

Propagandists on Russian state television have for weeks encouraged their autocratic President Vladimir Putin to obliterate cities in the United States and other Western nations with nuclear weapons over their support of Ukraine. Experts have warned since Putin's invasion of Ukraine began two months ago that he could use tactical nuclear weapons to force Ukraine to surrender. The chances of that happening have gone up as Russia's losses continue to mount with little to show for their efforts, and that has fueled almost daily bellicosity among Putin's stooges. That nationalistic furor reached a boiling point on Tuesday when Margarita Simonyan, the head of Russia Today, said that Putin will "never give up" his imperialist ambitions and that she and Putin's other loyalists are willing to die in a nuclear war . On Thursday, Putin's pundits offered additional details in their bluster about how Russia can annihilate any country that it wants and that "

The differences between how the American and Chinese governments regulate capitalism

Russia’s war on Ukraine both reflects and deepens a global split that should remind us of Karl Marx’s famous remark: “No social order ever disappears before all the productive forces, for which there is room in it, have been developed; and new higher relations of production never appear before the material conditions of their existence have matured in the womb of the old society.” The United Kingdom already lost its particular social order—its empire—while the United States is now losing its. Despite differences, both of these social orders shared a mostly private form of capitalist relations of production (the organization of enterprises centered around private employers and employees). That social order has given way to a different, mostly public form of capitalist relations of production where state officials are major employers. The latter form of capitalism is developing most dramatically in China. This article was produced by Economy for All , a project of the Independent Med

Almost all of the richest Americans are white male 'tech moguls, hedge funders and heirs'

Who are the elite of America? If you watch Fox, or spend time in rightwing media bubbles, you’ll probably think of celebrities, musicians, actors and athletes – all those fashionable bicoastal entertainers who look down on hard-working middle Americans. A recent ProPublica report based on IRS tax files from 2013 to 2018 shows this vision of America’s upper-crust is thoroughly misleading. The richest are not actors or singers. They’re tech moguls, hedge funders and heirs. The right-wing wants you to think the US is controlled by nefarious culture workers. In fact, the 400 people who comprise the upper echelon of US wealth are virtually all white male capitalists. Celebrities are rich, but not that rich. The resentment directed at them is a convenient way to target groups that the right-wing doesn’t believe is entitled to wealth. Meanwhile, the people who are truly the most powerful are celebrated for their business acumen in sitting back and collecting investment income. The

'Marshall Law Marge' blows up her own 'I don't recall' defense while being questioned by Jim Acosta

United States Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Georgia) was confronted by CNN reported Jim Acosta on Thursday afternoon about text messages that she sent to former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows in the wake of the January 6th, 2021 Capitol insurrection. The exchanges – in which Greene called House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-California) a "traitor" and urged Meadows to convince then-President Donald Trump to declare "Marshall law" in order to stay in power after his coup to steal the 2020 election failed – were published by CNN earlier this week after Greene testified under oath in court last Friday that she did not "recall" sending them. Greene, whose candidacy for reelection is being constitutionally challenged because of her participation in Trump's revolt, has maintained her denials in numerous media appearances in the days that have followed. But on Thursday, Acosta managed to trap Greene into blowing up her defense, and his que

29 April 2022 April 29, 2022 at 12:10AM

The Digital Edition is an exclusive product available to our subscribers The post 29 April 2022 appeared first on The Mail & Guardian .

'Zero tolerance': Holocaust survivor urges Elon Musk to ensure Twitter never becomes a 'platform for hatred'

Gabriella Major has made it her life's mission to ensure the world never forgets the horrors of the Holocaust. She has good reason. As a two-year-old in 1944, Major and her family were rounded up by the Nazis who had just invaded her native Hungary. Twenty-eight members of her family were murdered at Auschwitz, but somehow the rail car she was put on never made it to the death camp and she emigrated to the United States in the late 1950s. Major now is a New York City-based docent and speaker at the Museum of Jewish Heritage. As reported by The Daily Beast , she is imploring the owners of social media platforms not to allow the forums to be used for Holocaust denialism under the guise of "free speech." Two years ago she criticized Facebook and its Jewish founder Mark Zuckerberg for not eliminating such hate speech. Today, on Holocaust Remembrance Day, she has the same message for Elon Musk. "Now that Elon Musk has purchased Twitter for $44 billion—though the deal

Zondo granted eighth extension as part four of state capture report is awaited April 28, 2022 at 08:00PM

The commission’s urgent application to the high court was unopposed and it now has until 15 June to deliver the final chapter of its findings on state capture The post Zondo granted eighth extension as part four of state capture report is awaited appeared first on The Mail & Guardian . | Nick Hedley | Time to revive South Africa’s beneficiation dreams

Rather than trying to add value to all of its minerals, South Africa should focus on a handful of industrial opportunities where it has natural advantages, writes Nick Hedley. from News24 Top Stories via sinceretalk

Boeing CEO says company 'shouldn't have taken' Donald Trump's Air Force One deal

The chief executive officer of aircraft manufacturing giant Boeing said on Wednesday that the $3.9 billion deal that the company struck with former President Donald Trump in 2018 to build two new Air Force One planes is over budget, behind schedule, and was in hindsight, not a good idea. The contract was a renegotiation of a 2016 agreement between Boeing's ex-CEO Dennis Muilenberg and then-President Barack Obama , but Trump had objected to the price tag after taking office. The Air Force admitted in early April that a "combination of factors including impacts from the Covid-19 pandemic, interiors supplier transition, manpower limitations, wiring design timelines and test execution rates" have gotten in the way of delivery. Today, however, CEO David Calhoun said that numerous challenges have arisen and that his predecessor "probably shouldn't have taken" Trump's offer to deliver two 747-8s – or VC-25Bs – in the first place, CNN reported. "Air

United Nations warns that humanity has 'degraded' 40 percent of Earth's land

A new United Nations report released Wednesday shows farming, mining, and logging has marred more than half of the planet. In a portrait of land degradation across the globe, the report describes entire forests razed for timber or pasture; sensitive grasslands and wetlands lost to sprawling cities; and over-exploited lands that have dried up into desert. This story was originally published by Grist . You can subscribe to its weekly newsletter here . People have altered 70 percent of Earth’s lands from their natural state and degraded up to 40 percent. This threatens “many species on Earth, including our own,” the report warns. If these trends continue, experts expect growing disruptions to human health, food supplies, migration, and biodiversity loss driven by climate change, in what the authors calls a “confluence of unprecedented crises.” “The human-environment relationship must drastically change to avoid catastrophic tipping points whereby the human power of exploitation is

Hundreds of organizations press POTUS to 'end the fossil fuel era' and 'save life on Earth'

Over 520 organizations told President Joe Biden on Wednesday to urgently "end the fossil fuel era" and commit to a rapid renewable energy transition rooted in justice and a more peaceful world. The demand was delivered in a letter that points to a "cascade of emergencies" currently facing humanity including the climate crisis and Russia's ongoing war in Ukraine, which "share the same dangerous thread: dependence on fossil fuels." "Russia's invasion into Ukraine is fueled by their fossil fuel extraction power, and the world's reliance upon it," the signatories, including global groups like Climate Action Network International and, wrote. The letter declares that "war makes it more apparent that fossil fuel dependence puts people at risk and makes energy systems insecure" and points to fossil fuel extraction and combustion's wide-ranging adverse impacts from driving the biodiversity crisis to causing deaths

Twitter smacks down Mitt 'corporations are people' Romney for calling student loan forgiveness a 'bribe'

United States Senator Mitt Romney (R-Utah) took to Twitter on Wednesday to whine about President Joe Biden's forthcoming forgiveness of federal student loans. "Desperate polls call for desperate measures: Dems consider forgiving trillions in student loans. Other bribe suggestions: Forgive auto loans? Forgive credit card debt? Forgive mortgages? And put a wealth tax on the super-rich to pay for it all. What could possibly go wrong?" Romney wrote. Desperate polls call for desperate measures: Dems consider forgiving trillions in student loans. Other bribe suggestions: Forgive auto loans? Forgive credit card debt? Forgive mortgages? And put a wealth tax on the super-rich to pay for it all. What could possibly go wrong? — Mitt Romney (@Mitt Romney) 1651079411 Romney also mentioned other items that Democrats aim to achieve, especially if they hope to keep their razor-thin congressional majorities in the November midterm elections. Unfortunately for Romney, himself a mi

Whale makes unprecedented 10 000km journey from SA to Argentina April 27, 2022 at 07:00AM

Scientists believe she travelled that far to find good food sources, which is a ‘worrying trend’ The post Whale makes unprecedented 10 000km journey from SA to Argentina appeared first on The Mail & Guardian . | Auditor-General to police KZN flood relief funds as MPs warn of vultures 'waiting at the gates'

President Cyril Ramaphosa addressed both Houses of Parliament on Tuesday on the government's response to the disaster. from News24 Top Stories via sinceretalk | News24/My Only Story’s podcast wins gold at New York Festivals Radio Awards

My Only Story: Back to school, podcast co-produced by News 24 and the My Only Story NPC, with Johannesburg writer Deon Wiggett, has won top honours at the New York Festivals Radio Awards. from News24 Top Stories via sinceretalk

United States asks Israel to join defense of Ukraine

For more than one reason, U.S. President Joe Biden’s call with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett on April 24 is hugely consequential. This has been Biden’s second phone conversation with Bennett in four weeks. On March 30, Biden called to express his “deepest condolences” following the terrorist attacks that killed 11 people in three Israeli cities. This article was produced in partnership by Indian Punchline and Globetrotter . This time around, his call coincided with the joint meeting of the U.S. secretaries of state and defense with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Kyiv on April 24 signifying that Washington is raising the ante in the Ukrainian conflict with Russia and marking a shift in the conflict, signaling its readiness to wade deeper into the dispute after initial qualms. The U.S. and NATO allies are showing readiness to supply heavier equipment and more advanced weapons systems to Ukraine. After the trip to Kyiv, Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin told journa

Reporters who published Kevin McCarthy's taped remarks facing criticism for withholding them

There was a flurry of headlines last week when news broke that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) said out loud that he thought former President Donald Trump should resign in the wake of the deadly Jan. 6 insurrection. The focus was on the fact that McCarthy lied about ever expressing that thought - until, of course, he was confronted with the audio recording of him saying exactly that. New York Times reporters Jonathan Martin and Alex Burns broke that news with the publication of an excerpt of their new book "This Will Not Pass: Trump, Biden, and the Battle for America’s Future." The revelation also ignited a discussion about whether it's ethical and acceptable for reporters to withhold "scoops" like the McCarthy comment from their daily reporting to pump up book sales. Many on Twitter faulted the reporters for not publishing McCarthy's comments sooner. We need to have a serious conversation about whether it should be acceptable and normal an

Kevin McCarthy knew House Republicans would incite violence on January 6th: New York Times

House Republican Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy was secretly recorded warning that some members of his own caucus might incite violence in the wake of the January 6 insurrection. Among those he named are GOP Reps. Matt Gaetz and Mo Brooks. “In the phone call with other Republican leaders on Jan. 10, Mr. McCarthy referred chiefly to two representatives, Matt Gaetz of Florida and Mo Brooks of Alabama, as endangering the security of other lawmakers and the Capitol complex,” The New York Times’ Alexander Burns and Jonathan Martin report Tuesday. “But he and his allies discussed several other representatives who made comments they saw as offensive or dangerous, including Lauren Boebert of Colorado and Barry Moore of Alabama.” The country was “too crazy,” Mr. McCarthy said, for members to be talking and tweeting recklessly at such a volatile moment. McCarthy said Gaetz was “putting people in jeopardy.” “And he doesn’t need to be doing this. We saw what people would do in the Capitol,