Election denying Congressman Mo Brooks spouts off a torrent of lies in absolutely wild MSNBC interview

Insurrectionist United States Congressman and candidate for Senate Mo Brooks (R-Alabama) gave an off-the-rails interview with MSNBC's Vaughn Hillyard on Tuesday in which he repeated the lies that Antifa and Black Lives Matter were the real threat on January 6th, 2021 and that former President Donald Trump won the 2020 election.

First, Hillyard asked Brooks if he would cooperate with the bipartisan House panel investigating the Capitol attack if they requested his testimony.

"If they were to do it under terms and conditions that I believe are more appropriate then certainly I am willing to consider that more so than them trying to subpoena me in the midst of a campaign," Brooks said. "They wanted me to be in Washington, DC taking up a full week last week. That wasn't gonna cut it."

There is good cause for that urgency. Brooks was a keynote speaker at Trump's "Stop the Steal" rally at the White House in the hours before thousands of his cultists stormed the Capitol.

Hillyard pressed Brooks on this point.

People "heard what you said on January 6th when you took to the stage with body armor on and you said, 'it's time to take names and kick ass.' Why did you have body armor on that day? What did you know?" Hillyard wondered.

Brooks told Hillyard that he was under the impression that "Black Lives Matter or Antifa elements" were planning an assault, even though no credible intelligence indicated that was the case.

"It had nothing to do with pro-Trump supporters," Brooks falsely declared, adding that Trump's spectacles have never led to violence. That too is demonstrably false.

When Hillyard asked Brooks if he "regrets" using incendiary language, the right-wing lawmaker accused him of "distorting my remarks."

Here they are:

Mo Brooks Calls for Blood at Trump Rally www.youtube.com

Brooks disparaged the January 6th Select Committee as a "propaganda effort" that should have been established by both political parties. But as Hillyard rightly noted, Brooks and most House Republicans voted against forming an independent commission, which Brooks called a "sham."

Continuing on, Brooks revealed that Trump "did use in our conversations the word rescind" and that "he did talk about being reinstated" after his landslide loss to President Joe Biden.

Brooks defended Trump.

"If you had had an election stolen from you, you would also want to be reinstated so that justice is done," Brooks said, insisting that "what Donald Trump talked about with me is not illegal in any way, shape, or form."

In fact, it was, because conspiring to or actually disrupting an official congressional proceeding is a felony.

Trump "has the right to have his view," Brooks contended, "and his view is he ought to be reinstated because the election in his view and mine is that the election was stolen from him in November of 2020. The evidence is overwhelming to me."

Brooks also shared that Trump "never said that, to me, that Joe Biden, if all the lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens were counted, Donald Trump has never said Joe Biden won and in my judgment, if only lawful votes cast by eligible American citizens were counted, then Donald Trump won the Electoral College. And if you want to spend an hour or two going through that, I'm more than happy to do so. Be ready for what you hear."

Brooks then ordered Hillyard to watch Dinesh D'Souza's 2000 Mules "documentary" which further perpetuates the Big Lie.

Hillyard, not missing a beat, reminded Brooks that "there is no proof, 2000 Mules is not proof, that the election was rigged or that it was stolen."

Brooks responded that the "real problem" was the "800,000 to 1.7 million non-citizens that voted in 2020."

Hillyard reiterated that "there is no proof that that existed," to which Brooks fired back, "then you haven't done your homework."

To conclude the interview, Hillyard asked Brooks why he has not yet presented his supposed "evidence" to the January 6th Committee.

Brooks maintained that he has "talked about terms and conditions but the main thing is to make it public. We don't want to do any more of this stuff in secret, clandestinely, where the public cannot see what is truly going on and where the January 6th Commission, which to me is a witch hunt, committee, commission, or committee, gets out there and leaks bits and pieces in order to further a political agenda that may not have anything to do with the truth."

Public hearings are scheduled for next month.

Watch below via CNN senior media correspondent Oliver Darcy:

from Alternet.org https://ift.tt/6wP1Jd0
via sinceretalk


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